What is Vibrational Sound Healing?

Vibrational Sound Therapy is my absolutely favorite tool for all ages, the use of sound to stimulate the frontal lobes and limbic system of the brain has changed the way I work with my clients drastically. As a highly sensitive person myself I have learned to navigate the shifts in energies into a positive experience for anyone I have the honor of working with. Without a doubt, you will experience the “inner connection” that we can all often neglect and you will find yourself experiencing the positive and higher frequencie available to you and the world around you.

Meditation can be done in many ways; in sound therapy we are using our instruments to align with a meditative energy space. Energy healing sessions allow us to enter a space of remembrance. As we reach the subconscious and even unconscious layers we tap into that deep place of remembrance. We reach the level of remembering what harmony feels like.

Did you know WATER is denser then air? We feel sound four to five times faster in our bodies than we hear in our minds.

Our entire body is strikingly receptive to sounds. Vibrations are felt through the skin, in our bones and the fluid within us.

Through the process of entrainment, sound can transform negative, repressed emotions into a state of psychological steadiness that has direct and immediate effects on our overall wellbeing. Sound entrainment can restore harmony between our innermost selves and the Universal Field of Energy. In some ways reconnecting us with our spiritual essence, our one true authentic vibration. Studies show that stress, depression, and hopelessness can suppress every aspect of our immune system.

All of the systems in our body, muscular, nervous, respiratory, and circulatory, are meant to operate according to a set rhythm. Our heart and breath flow in harmony when we are aligned with health and vitality, and in doing so entrain the entire body to be in harmony.

Sound clears the energetic clutter and reconnects us with what true stillness feels like, it brings us to that place of simply being.  With sound we are reminded of what the state of pure energy is, a graceful harmonious energy. It gives us a chance to disconnect so that we can reconnect with our authentic vibration.

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