Chakras - the software of the whole body.

If you have worked with me or know me you know I love colors and energy! I wasn’t sure how to process everything I saw and felt as a child so I would engage in ART, NATURE and RISKY Play daily!

Now I navigate these beautiful emotions, energies and wisdom by Introducing Chakras (endocrine system) to Adults and Children through holistic health coaching.

Our bodies are made up of fields of energy that most of us cannot see with our eyes but the chakras interact with the body and influence our thoughts, moods and health.

The energy flows through the entire body that travels up the center of the spine and around the brain.

Each Chakra has an important function to perform for us and we need ALL of them.

Root/ Red


The First Chakra is at the base of the spine, it works to eliminate waste, It is our security and its concerns are basic survival.  When balanced it brings strength and confidence.


Located at the base of your spine, where you bottom touches the ground when you sit. Security, safety, all the comforts of HOME.



The Second Chakra located at the third and fourth veterbras and sex organs. This chakra controls sex and reproduction, as well as mental creativity.  When balanced, you feel more creative, imaginative, energized and have a balanced sexual life.


Located two inches below the belly button. Creativity, new life, and new ideas are born into the world here. A great feeling!



The third chakra is located at the navel point where all the nerve endings meet.  The fire of digestion and primary concerns are those of identity and judgement.  When in balance it gives you the courage to persevere and accomplish amazing goals. A strong navel can give excellent health!


Located about two inches above the belly button, good health, courage and confidence!

Heart/ Green (or pink)


The fourth chakra, located at the heart center, center of the chest, associated with the thymus gland. It is the balance point between the lower chakras and higher chakras. When balanced, true love can be experienced.  It is the center of kindness, compassion, giving and devotion.


Located in the center of your chest, like your heart, it is LOVE, PURE and SIMPLE.



The fifth chakra is located at the throat and associated with the thyroid gland and monitors the power to speak out.  Words that project come from a strong 5th chakra. When In balance speaking truth in the highest sense will flow.


Located at the base of your throat. Talking, singing, laughing, any form of communication that makes you proud and understood.



The sixth chakra is located right at the center of your forehead, slightly above the eyebrows.  It is associated with the pituitary gland and referred to as the third eye. This is where we know the unknown.  It is the center of intuition and direct connection to the infinite source of wisdom.


Located smack in the middle of your forehead.  Imagination and fantasy swirls around here. Seeing things with your minds eye that your others eyes can’t.



The seventh chakra located at the top of the head and associated with the pineal gland. It is referred to the thousand petaled lotus and the crown chakra. This is the highest center located within the body, associated with the experience of the state of bliss.  A union with the milky way. They say when the enlightened soul leaves the body, its leaves through the seventh chakra.


This is an incredible one because its the only one not located in your body at all.  It floats around your head.  Makes sense since this is the chakra of the spirit, the light in all of us that is MORE than your physical body.

“The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Practicing kindness and mindful living is a path and the chakras are the map”

Lillian Murray